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고객의 소리에 귀 기울이겠습니다.


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기술지원 Sr Electrical Engineer

작성자 Kishan Akloe 전화번호 CCE NV 이메일 kishan.akloe@gmail.com
작성일 2022-07-15 공개여부 조회수 3101


Kishan Akloe <kishan.akloe@gmail.com>
Tue, Jul 12, 7:53 AM (3 days ago)
to sales

Dear sir/madam

I am from Suriname, a country of South-America.
As a technician, I met some problems with the 311V dc fan motors.
Most of the time I just replace the motor.

The problem is: after a power failure, the fan motor stopped working. No other damage, just the fan motor stopped working.

Recently I had the same problem, but this time with a bigger motor.
Model: DL-13875SSOB
After a power failure the motor stopped working. I replaced the motor and started to examine the old one. When I opened the back cover, I saw a pcb (see attachment) .

Is the cause of not working a damage on the pcb?
Is the PCB sold  separately?

Please give me some expert advice.

Kind regards,

Kishan Akloe


작성자 기술지원 담당자 작성일 2022-07-18 11:53:02

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