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고객의 소리에 귀 기울이겠습니다.

IR 정보

이승노 상무 [기획]
TEL. 032)820-8203 / E-Mail. snlee@spg.co.kr

차희중 부장 [주식관리팀장]
TEL. 032)820-8252 / E-Mail. hjcha@spg.co.kr


고객의 소리에 귀 기울이겠습니다.


신속하게 대응하도록 하겠습니다.

영업지원 Request on Engine WORM GEARED TYPE RA61BR

작성자 Björn Greiner-Perth 전화번호 01704154572 이메일 greiner-perth-mb21@mb.dhbw-ravensburg.de
작성일 2022-11-10 공개여부 조회수 2728


Dear Sir or Madam,

we are young German students of the DHBW Ravensburg. Due to a student project we became aware of one of your engines (WORM GEARED TYPE RA61BR), which is shown on the following website: (https://www. traceparts. com/de/product/spg-co-ltd-ra61br?CatalogPath=SPG_1925560986%3ASPG. 020. 030&Product=90-01 022 021-031 409).
Out of interest we wanted to ask you about the unit price and/or a quantity price for 50 engines.

Additionally, we would be grateful if you would send us a general product information sheet.

We would appreciate your feedback. Thank you for your efforts.

Best regards,

Björn Greiner-Perth, Falko Pusch


작성자 영업지원 담당자 작성일 2023-04-16 16:55:21

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