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영업지원 Quotation request

작성자 Patricio Echeverria 전화번호 56989927349 이메일 patricio@nscipharma.com
작성일 2022-01-20 공개여부 조회수 5478


Dear, I would like you to quote me the following equipment (I attach photos to identify them), I would appreciate it if you You could consider shipping to the following address: Jardines de la Frontera lot 41, Temuco zip code 4780000, La Araucania Chile. I need 3 units complete (3 motor, 3 gear motor and 3 Speed controller). The name of our company is: Ingenieria MonckWelt Spa. They told me that they would contact me via email, but they still haven't for days. Thanks very much. Best regards, Patricio Echeverria Muñoz + 569 89927349 patricio@nscipharma.com Temuco – Chile


작성자 영업지원 담당자 작성일 2022-01-20 13:38:59

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